There is POWER in your words!


Romans 4:17

I was pondering on this scripture - Romans 4:17 (KJV) – (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

God was speaking to Abraham who was Abram at the time and asked him to change his name from exalted father to father of nations and yet he had no child. Imagine! He didn’t stop there o, he made him change Sarah’s name too.

Picture them two walking about in the neighbourhood without children of their own and anytime someone calls him - he is declaring the promise of God. Talk about the audacity of Faith. I don’t know about you but I want to believe God like that.

What about you? What are you seeing now that is confusing your language? I mean that. What do you want to see happen in your life? Your family or your friends lives? What has God promised you?

What are you declaring? What are you saying and confessing?

Is it a health issue? Are you agreeing with the diagnosis? We don’t ignore them but we decree the word and call forth life even when it looks bleak.

Start saying what you want to happen instead confessing your circumstances – and you’ll see changes in your life. Start praying the solution instead of praying the problem.

Can you be like Abraham? Can you believe in your heart that God wants to bless you, help you and heal you? God wants to answer your prayers. He already knows the problem – pour out your heart to Him and declare His Word. His Word will not return void, it will accomplish that for which it is sent.

Go to the word, find promises in the Bible that fit your situation and start declaring them over your life. What you confess is what you possess. God promised that we would have the same blessings as Abraham. Abraham literally declared he was a father of a multitude every time he said his own name. And, he had to ask his friends to say his name as well, so every time he heard his own name, he also heard God’s promise!

Believe God’s promises as you confess them and thank God for them. Call those things that are not as though they are right now! Glory!!!!


Everything You Need is in the WORD!


God Loves You!