God Loves You!


God Loves You Dearly

"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." - Isaiah 40:11

In this world with all the trouble, it's comforting to know that we are under the watchful eye and tender care of the Ultimate Shepherd. As women, we play many roles – caregivers, nurturers, leaders, and so much more. Yet, in the midst of our busy lives, we have a Shepherd who cares for us with an unfailing love and a gentle touch.

The Church is built on the foundation of truth, as stated in 1 Timothy 3:15. It's within this family and through the principles of God's Word that we find the guidance and strength we need. It’s crucial important to discern what feels right from what is right in God’s eyes. Our feelings can mislead, but God's Word never does

God’s Word, as our ultimate guide, not only illuminates our paths but also comforts us in our unique journeys, especially as women who often bear the weight of nurturing and guiding others. Isaiah 40:11 beautifully illustrates how God tenderly gathers us, carries us close to His heart, and gently leads us. This is an assurance for every woman who may feel burdened or weary.

Remember the lessons from Genesis: while Cain's self-decided offering was rejected, Abel's offering, aligned with God's will, was accepted. This reminds us of the importance of aligning our actions with God's instructions, not just our personal preferences or societal norms.

Don't let life’s journey take you down a path of regret or misunderstanding of God's will. The Scriptures are clear in guiding us, lighting our paths, and showing us the way to live. Psalm 119:105 affirms this, as does Jesus’ declaration in John 8:12. We follow Him by following His Word, thereby avoiding the pitfalls of error and misunderstanding.

In God’s Word, we find the wisdom to navigate life, to enjoy the blessings of righteousness, and to fulfill our purpose in Christ. Let His Word be the lamp unto your feet, and let His Spirit guide you in all truth and wisdom.


Heavenly Father, thank You for being our Ultimate Caregiver. Your Word is my constant guide, and Your Spirit leads me in your perfect will. In your arms, I find wisdom, strength, and the ability to navigate life's responsibilities with grace. Help me to follow your guidance and to reflect your nurturing love in all that I do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


There is POWER in your words!